Fiona Donohoe-Bales: Director, Founder & Principal Teacher
“The moment a child is born, the mother is also born.
She never existed before.
The woman existed, but the mother, never.
A mother is something absolutely new.”
Fiona Donohoe-Bales
Principal Teacher & Founder
Fiona is a senior Yoga teacher (YA 1000 + Hours) and has led thousands of new mothers through their pregnancies over the past twenty years, preparing them for birth and motherhood. She offers guidance, inspiration and wisdom based on the spiritual and physical practices drawn from the Eastern Contemplative Traditions including; Yoga, Mindfulness, and the Tao.
Womb In Bloom is a refuge for new mothers to safely and gently explore, where necessary, the unconscious beliefs we all have around childbirth and parenting. Every woman brings something new and precious to the experience of Motherhood. The quiet reflective practices of meditation can help awaken us to our own unique gifts and strengths as mothers. Yoga cultivates the inner resources you will need to adapt gracefully and artfully to all the demands and joys of modern mothering.
At Womb In Bloom we're passionate about helping new mamas reach their full birthing potential.
“I believe all women already know intuitively how to birth and nurture a baby. In many ways we need to unlearn and simply trust in our instincts. Yoga artfully leads us back to this sacred knowledge and reunites us with the body’s innate wisdom and power. This is, indeed, the true meaning of Yoga.”
The Mindfulness practices you will learn in our classes will become a powerful ally on your journey into motherhood.
Fiona has completed the esteemed Birthlight Perinatal Yoga Diploma (Part 1 & Part 2) with Francoise Barbara Freedman and Prenatal Yoga Teacher Training & Certification (Janice Clarfield). Fiona has also completed Birthing From Within with Virginia Bobro and Mindfulness-based Childbirth & Parenting Education (MBCP) with Nancy Bardacke (US).
Fiona is a past Teacher Trainer in Prenatal Yoga Teaching & Women's Health at Nature Care College and inYoga in Sydney. She regularly presents at conferences and expos on Yoga, Mindfulness and Motherhood.
She is incredibly grateful to all her teachers including Dr Richard Miller, Ani Pema (Karen Schaefer), Dr Shirley Telles, Michael de Manicour, Mark Breadner, Sally Flynn, A.G. Mohan, T.K.V. Desikachar, Rodney Yee, Donna Fahri, Judith & Lizzie Lasater, Desiree Rumbaugh, Dr N Chandrasekaran, Saraswathi Vasudevan, Leslie Kaminoff, Sarah Powers, Amy Weintraub, Roger Cole, Janice Clarfield and Francoise Barbara Freedman.
Her greatest teachers have been her own children, daughters Misha, Amarina, and Tahira.