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Mindfulness For Mothers

  • Bloom Yoga Studio 4 Best Avenue Mosman, NSW, 2088 Australia (map)

Next Course Starts;
Monday 4 March 2019

Mondays  7 - 8.00 PM (5 weeks)


"The most precious gift we can offer anyone is the gift of our attention. When Mindfulness embraces those we love, they will bloom like flowers." 

~ Thich Naht Hahn

The greatest gift we can give our children is our conscious, non-judgemental and undivided presence.  Yet, uncertainty, doubt and overwhelm often distract us from being truly present and available to our children. Our busy schedules leave us feeling stressed for time. We feel the social pressure to conform and keep up with everything. We feel the pressure of parenting perfectly. We feel the stress of working all the time. Then, we feel guilty when we lash out at our partners or our kids and ashamed of our anxiety. 

Looking after ourselves is not selfish nor is it a luxury. It's an absolute necessity. Research shows that when we are happier our kids our happier too. There's a secret to mothering and it's this; to mother another we must first know how to mother ourselves. When our own inner child feels heard, companioned and witnessed we are better resourced to mother our children from a place of greater authenticity, compassion, empathy and understanding. 

What Is Mindfulness?

Mindfulness is the essential teachings from the Buddhist Dharma and is a non-religous modern meditation practice that helps to ease chronic stress and tension. Simply, it’s the practice of paying attention in a way that is non-judgemental, patient and kind moment-to-moment. When practiced regularly Mindfulness helps cultivate patience, acceptance, wisdom and compassion; qualities that enrich, deepen and inform our everyday mothering experience.  

Being a busy mum is a challenging 24/7 job that can often rob us of the quietude and serenity that belongs to us all. A common lament from many mothers is that they have neither the time nor the patience to meditate. Paradoxically, the practice of meditation actually helps cultivate the very things we often long for; a sense of unhurried calm, spaciousness and a deeper sense of connection and belonging. Mindfulnes allows us to focus on those things are of real value and true worth in our lives. 

"We're not trying to quiet the storm. We're trying to find the quiet within the storm."

~ Dr Sarah Lazar

Here are just some of the evidence-based benefits of Mindfulness:
- enhances mental health & wellbeing
- promotes emotional balance and regulation
- helps alleviate chronic stress and increases emotional resilience
- boosts the immune system, reduces inflammation and promotes healing
- restores connection to our source of inner wisdom, guidance, and creativity
- promotes relaxation and more restful sleep 

This course is an ideal introduction to both the philosophy and practices of Mindfulness. You will learn practical, simple and effective evidence-based skills and for cultivating greater presence, emotional resilience, patience, worthiness, empathy, connection and compassion.  Our gently paced guided program will help you rediscover purpose and meaning on your motherhood journey in a safe, supportive and welcoming environment.

The course includes both discussion and enquiry along with different Mindfulness meditation practices designed to suit our busy lives. The meditation practices you will learn in this course will help build a strong and informed foundation for your own at-home practice. The course includes access to a Bloom Mindfulness For Mothers closed facebook community group where you can ask questions and share thoughts and reflections.

Course fee includes a Mindfulness For Mothers Workbook and a recorded home practice. Please be aware this is a course. Apologies, no drop-ins.

I hope you can join us!

What Mums Are Saying ...

I've been interested in learning more about meditation for a long time, but as a working mum, I didn't think I had the time. Fiona taught me that stopping for even just a minute can make a difference. The variety of beautiful meditations we practised during the course have inspired me to find time in my day to meditate. Plus the classes themselves were fantastic; the perfect way to start a busy week!" ~ Suzanne O'Neil


Mindfulness For Mothers
Later Event: 22 October
HypnoBirthing Free Information Evening